
  • The recommended and supported online teaching platform used at ACU is Zoom.
  • CEI and Digital Platform Services are currently facilitating a pilot program for academics wishing to explore the capabilities of Microsoft Teams (participation is by request only).
  • Important! - Please DO NOT use the ACU Staff Microsoft 365 tenant for teaching with Teams. (This is not supported and does not provide a good experience for ACU Students).

On this page

The Microsoft Teams Pilot Program Access and additional information Microsoft Teams (for Teaching) - What and Why?

The Microsoft Teams Pilot Program

  • CEI and Digital Platform Services are currently facilitating a pilot program for academics wishing to explore the advanced engagement and collaboration capabilities of Microsoft Teams in various teaching environments.
  • This pilot covers the evaluation of Microsoft Teams in Virtual, Hybrid/HyFlex, and in-Classroom scenarios.
  • Participation in the Teams for Teaching pilot is currently available by request only. The Teams for Teaching pilot is being conducted in the ACU Student Microsoft 365 tenant and requires specific account configuration and preparation.
  • A technical demonstration and Q&A session with Digital Platform Services can be arranged by request.

ACU Teams for Teaching pilot - Access and additional information

  • To request access, please complete a Service Central General Enquiry and assign it to Information and Communication Technology, in the summary note that you are enquiring about the Microsoft Teams Pilot Program. If you would like to discuss the program further, please contact CEI (CEI@acu.edu.au).
  • Participation requires the setup and configuration of a specific teaching account in the ACU Student Tenant.
  • Creation and configuration of teaching accounts is carried out by Digital Platform Services.
  • All teaching accounts created for the pilot will be provided along with training and guidance for how to create a Class Team and work with Students in the ACU Student tenant.
  • All academics participating in the pilot will have access to ongoing support from the Digital Platform Services team.
  • A technical demonstration and Q&A session with Digital Platform Services can be arranged by request.

Microsoft Teams (for Teaching) – What and Why?

  • Microsoft Teams brings conversations, content and video conferencing together in a highly accessible streamlined environment, allowing academics to create vibrant and collaborative learning experiences.
  • Microsoft Teams can be accessed via Web, PC/Mac and Tablet/Mobiles devices providing easy and flexible access to both Students and Teachers.
  • Microsoft Teams can be used to support virtual, hybrid or in-classroom learning, providing new opportunities to engage students, encourage collaboration and enhance learning outcomes.
  • Microsoft Teams provides academics simple yet highly effective methods to facilitate group work between students that can be easily managed and monitored.
  • Microsoft Teams provides a live ‘Insights’ dashboard for your Class Team outlining Student engagement with content, each other and the Teacher.
  • Microsoft Teams can be integrated with Echo360 in the ACU Student Tenant to both present existing content from Echo360 into Teams, as well as upload any classes recorded in Teams back into Echo360.

Page last updated on 02/05/2024

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