course discussion

Course Enrolment Guides

See course maps, links to course rules, special requirements and contact details.

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In our Handbook you'll find all the course rules, the extensive list of policies and procedures, and a list of unit descriptions.

Find a handbook

Course Coordinator Manual

A helpful reference for Course Coordinators, our manual guides you through student processes from admissions and enrolment, through exams and course progression to course completion and graduation.

Course Coordinator Manual

Get your questions answered about student processes


students walking


Access timetabling and class selection software, timetabling dates, userguides and change request forms.


CMAS Resources

A number of helpful resources to assist you with the Curriculum Management Approval System (CMAS). CMAS is the single source of truth for curriculum approval and publication data.

CMAS resources

Courses policies

Read the policies concerned with course administration, approval, structuring and conferral and graduation.

Academic regulations

Third Party

Understand the process for internal and external sponsorship of students.

Download the forms
Page last updated on 03/11/2020

Service Central

Visit Service Central to access Corporate Services.

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Learning and Teaching
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Make a request for services provided by Corporate Services.

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Knowledge base

Find answers to frequently asked questions 24/7.

See Knowledge Base