How do I request a centrally run Supplementary Exam?

When you request your end of semester exam there is an option to tell the Exams Section you would like a central Supplementary Exam to be held. If you say Yes then all students who are eligible in your unit will receive a centrally run Supplementary Exam.

Do I have to request a centrally run Supplementary Exam?

No, in line with the Supplementary Assessment policy, as the LIC you have the final say on the type of assessment which is suitable for your cohort. In this case the supplementary assessment will be School based.

Do I have to use the Deferred Exam paper as my central Supplementary Exam paper

Yes, if you wish to have a centrally run Supplementary Exam agreement was reached with the Schools that the Deferred Exam paper would be used. If you do not want to use the Deferred Exam paper then the supplementary assessment will be School based.

Can I withdraw a student(s) from the centrally run Supplementary Exam?

Yes, as the LIC you may decide that a student requires a different type of supplementary assessment. Once the Supplementary Exam timetable is published please email the Exams Section and they will remove the student(s) from the centrally run Supplementary Exam, this will now become a School based supplementary assessment:

When will the Supplementary Exam timetable be known?

This is released at the same time as the Deferred Exam timetable. This is on the Friday of results release week.

How do students know if they have a Supplementary Exam?

Each student is emailed a link to their personalised exam timetable. This is how students are informed of all centrally run exams so they are familiar with this.

How will I know which of my students is sitting a central Supplementary Exam?

Two days after the results release date the Exams Section will email your School a list of all students sitting a central Supplementary Exam.

Some of my students with an NF grade are not listed on the Supplementary Exam timetable sent by the Exams Section.

If a student was awarded an NF grade after the Tuesday deadline to upload results the Exams Section is unable to schedule a centrally run Supplementary Exam for them. These students will be eligible for a School based supplementary assessment.

How will I know which of my students sat the Supplementary Exam and not the Deferred Exam?

Your School has a list provided from the Exams Section which shows students sitting a Supplementary Exam compared to students sitting a Deferred Exam.

Do students need to be available for the Supplementary Exam block?

Yes, these dates are published two years in advance as part of the Academic Calendar; also it is the responsibility of all students to be available for centrally run exams (Examination Policy)

How will I know that I have a school based supplementary assessment and not a central Supplementary Exam?

A central Supplementary Exam was not requested for your unit, no exams will have been scheduled and there will be no students listed on the Supplementary Exam published to your School form the Exams Section. A list of centrally run exams with a central Supplementary Exam will also be distributed to your School.

When are results due for Supplementary and Deferred Exams?

The LIC will update the result in the Results Entry module in Student Connect within 10 working days of the student completing the supplementary assessment task or within 12 working days of the student completing the deferred examination.

Page last updated on 17/01/2024

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