Log a report on riskware

Login to riskware

Login using your ACU network user ID and password

Staff and students should use riskware (online portal) to promptly log reports of incidents, near misses, injuries (PDF File, 852.8 KB) and hazards (PDF File, 609.6 KB) (something that could potentially cause harm) which they have been impacted by or witnessed. They should also submit reports on behalf of visitors and contractors.

Follow the reference guide to reporting incidents (PDF File, 852.8 KB)

Follow the reference guide to reporting hazards (PDF File, 609.6 KB)

The risks that are associated with these riskware reports are managed by Nominated Supervisors and other relevant staff.

Staff and students have the opportunity to use the pocketSafety app on their mobile device to report incidents and hazards at ACU that they have been impacted by or on behalf of visitors and contractors.

Follow the user guide for using pocketSafety

Follow this quick reference guide to installing pocketSafety on your device

See the options for workers' compensation

Staff members should also log a report of an injury and promptly contact HR (via Service Central) if they sustain an injury in the workplace and wish to submit a workers' compensation claim. Accepted claims may result in the reimbursement of medical expenses, and access to rehabilitation and treatment services which can lead to quicker recovery times. Workers Compensation documentation can be submitted to HR through a Service Central request.

Visit Service Central

If students are injured, as a result of a learning activity, they should download a copy of their riskware report and email insurance.finance@acu.edu.au for more information about the University's Personal Accident (insurance) Policy.

riskware quick user reference guides for nominated supervisors

Nominated supervisors and other staff are notified by email when reports of incidents, injuries or hazards are submitted. These reports are then reviewed by these staff members and Action Plans are developed within riskware. This supports the university to either eliminate the hazard or reduce the risk of another incident occurring.

Nominated supervisors consult with their team about proposed treatments (control measures) to ensure that everyone is committed to applying these changes.

Quick reference guides

Annual reviews of Risk Registers

Some of the risks which are identified by riskware reports may be placed on organisational unit, campus and University risk registers during the annual review of risk registers.

Page last updated on 13/12/2023

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