1.13.1 The University will consult with parties covered by this Agreement on employment related matters. This will be achieved through direct consultation with staff (by various means including staff forums) and through the ACU Staff Consultative Committee (ACUSCC). The University will consult in a proactive, transparent and constructive manner in relation to change that affects staff employment or working conditions.

1.13.2 The ACUSCC provides a forum for consultation between the University and representatives and the Unions on matters pertaining to the employment conditions of staff, including the ongoing implementation of the Enterprise Agreement.

1.13.3 The ACUSCC will comprise:

  1. a Chair appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and President;
  2. the Chief People Officer;
  3. four (4) representatives nominated by the union/s; and,
  4. three (3) staff members nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and President.

1.13.4 The Chair may invite guest speakers or observers to meetings as appropriate. Meetings will be held four (4) times per year or, when necessary, an additional meeting may be held to address matters of urgency as requested by one of the members of the ACUSCC. To facilitate discussion of certain matters, the Committee may establish working groups of its members and/or other staff to address those matters and report back to the ACUSCC.

1.13.5 The University will provide reports to the ACUSCC concerning:

  1. Annual Budget Briefing;
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Employment Plan;
  3. Workplace Health & Safety;
  4. Gender Equity / Diversity;
  5. Staff Engagement;
  6. Workforce Profile regarding continuing, fixed-term and casual data;
  7. Professional Development;
  8. Matters specified in clause 5.2.2 (Annual Academic Workload);
  9. Conversion from sessional to continuing academic employment (in line with clause
  10. Research awards for academic staff following parental leave (in line with clause 4.6.2); and.
  11. Childcare support for academic staff (in line with clause 4.6.3).

1.13.6 The ACUSCC will also:

  1. Receive, consider and inform change management proposals as circulated by the University. While it is not a deliberative committee, the ACUSCC may put forward comments, strategies, suggestions and proposals for improving the change proposal and/or for averting or mitigating any potential adverse effects for the consideration of the University; and
  2. Receive and consider reports on action items as they pertain to the implementation of this Agreement; and
  3. Receive, consider and put forward suggestions for the improvement and successful implementation of employment related policies as circulated by the University with an opportunity to provide any written feedback within fifteen (15) working days of circulation prior to them being approved; and
  4. Consult regarding the panel of external persons established by the University (the External Chairperson's Panel). The persons appointed to the panel will be independent of the University and appropriately professionally skilled and experienced to perform the role of a chairperson so as to instil in the University community confidence in the Committee process. Such persons may continue to include members of the Higher Education Panel of the Fair Work Commission.
Page last updated on 08/02/2023

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