6.8.1 Conversion from Casual to Continuing or Fixed-term Employment - Professional Staff
Eligible casual professional staff members may have a right to apply for conversion to continuing or fixed-term employment and this will be managed in accordance with the University Policy on the Employment of Casual Professional Staff.
6.8.2 Eligibility for Conversion To be eligible for conversion (or to apply for conversion), a casual professional staff member must be employed on a regular and systematic basis in the same or a similar and identically classified position in the same department/school (or equivalent work unit), either: The University will not unreasonably refuse to convert an eligible staff member. However, it may refuse an application on reasonable grounds. A staff member whose application for conversion is rejected will be provided with written reasons for the refusal. Reasonable grounds include, but are not limited to: A staff member who declines an offer of conversion, or who is refused conversion, may reapply for conversion after 6 months.
6.8.3 Conversion from Casual / Sessional Academic Employment The University will create a program to transition work undertaken by casual academics to ongoing academics (the program). The aim of this sub-clause is that academic staff members appointed through the program will primarily perform teaching work that was previously performed by casual staff members. Over the life of the Agreement the University will reduce to and maintain a ratio of casual and sessional academic staff FTE to non-casual and sessional academic staff FTE of 30% to 70%. The percentage of sessional to non-sessional staff will be reduced to at least:
Based on headcount data on 24 June 2022, this would require the University to create and fill at least 85 FTE new ongoing academic positions through the program. If, during the life of this Agreement, the University outsources a significant part of its casual and sessional academic workforce to a separate entity, the resulting reduction in casual and sessional academic staff will not count for the purpose of the agreed ratios in this clause. Under the program, the University will distribute positions proportionally across academic work units having regard to: Appointment to positions under the program will be based on competence. Applicants must: Despite clause, the University may, at its discretion, accept an application from an applicant who does not satisfy the requirements in clause due to a career interruption or other personal reasons, or who is not a recent PhD graduate and has insufficient experience, if they otherwise satisfy the requirements and are suitably qualified to perform a role created through the program. To ensure equitable opportunities for casual and sessional academic staff employed at the University in the preceding 3 years, the University will establish a register of all casual and sessional academic teaching staff employed over that period. The University will annually contact people on the register to allow them to update their contact details, and will update the register annually. All roles created through the program will: If there are no appointable applicants following the recruitment process in sub-clause the University may advertise externally to fill the roles created through the program. Where no applicant is appointable following external advertising who satisfy criteria of sub-clauses and the University may appoint candidates who otherwise demonstrate they meet the requirements of the roles created through the program. Academic appointments under the program: To assess suitability, a person who is appointed under the program will be subject to a 3-year academic probation period, and subject to the probation provisions in clause 6.10. Academic appointments through the program will have a workload allocated in accordance with clause 5.2 (Working Arrangements - Academic Staff). All other provisions of the Agreement apply to staff members appointed under this clause 6.8.3 as continuing staff members. Each academic position appointed through the program will primarily perform teaching work that was previously performed by casual or sessional staff. Where a continuing academic position is made redundant, academic positions appointed through the program will not perform the teaching work previously performed by that position for a period of 18 months. The University will report annually to the ACUSCC on:
1 As part of its application for approval of the Agreement, the university gave an undertaking that clause of the Agreement will be applied as shown in the tracked changes.
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