Australian Catholic University in making this Statement of Commitment to Reconciliation draws its inspiration from the historic message of Pope John Paul II to the Indigenous peoples and the Australian Catholic Church in Alice Springs on 29 November 1986. To Indigenous peoples, he said:
"For thousands of years you have lived in this land and fashioned a culture that endures to this day.....Your culture which shows the lasting genius and dignity of your race, must not be allowed to disappear. Your songs, your stories, your paintings, your dances, your languages must never be lost".
To all Australians Pope John Paul II said:
"What can now be done to remedy the deeds of yesterday must not be put off till tomorrow....The establishment of a new society for Aboriginal people cannot go forward without just and mutually recognised agreements with regard to these human problems, even though their causes lie in the past. The greatest value to be achieved by such agreements, which must be implemented without causing new injustices, is respect for the dignity and the growth of the human person".
We at Australian Catholic University wish to state our support for the Australian reconciliation process by acknowledgement that:
In view of this reality, Australian Catholic University makes a commitment to the following goals:
Approved by Senate
March 1998
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