When research will involve the direct participation of people (e.g. testing, surveys, interviews, focus groups, observation and health or behavioural interventions) the recruitment element can include such matters as identifying individuals as potential participants, contact between the research team and potential participants, screening or exclusion of some individuals, and preparing to seek consent from the potential participants. A single project may employ more than one recruitment strategy. It is essential that recruitment strategies adhere to the ethical principles of justice and respect.
According to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2023), "A single project may employ more than one recruitment strategy, especially where discrete cohorts are required to meet the objectives of the research. For some research designs, the recruitment and consent strategies occur concurrently; for others, they are separate. It is essential that recruitment strategies adhere to the ethical principles of justice and respect."
Stakeholder Engagement
The ACU HREC understands that in some instances stakeholder engagement during the development and design of the recruitment strategy is the only time where prior ethical approval is not required. This would involve engagement with specific groups (generally in person) to discuss the research and, if necessary, to obtain feedback from relevant stakeholders on whether the proposed recruitment strategy is appropriate. This engagement should not involve direct recruitment (including identifying or making contact with individuals as potential participants) or involve data collection.
Research proposals
Research proposals should include the criteria for the selection of potential participants. The inclusion/exclusion criteria for the potential participants in a project must be justifiable and should be fair. The exclusion of some groups without justification may amount to unfair discrimination, and/ or exclude individuals and groups from the potential benefits of research. Research proposals should clearly describe each of the recruitment strategies being undertaken. Recruitment strategies would normally include a clear description of the manner in which researchers intend to identify individuals as potential participants, how contact will be made between the research team and potential participants (see initial contact and advertisement section below for additional detail), process for screening, or exclusion of some individuals, and how the research team will seek consent from the potential participants.
Recruitment strategies
Within recruitment strategies, researchers must ensure that:
- Advertising and recruitment procedures protect potential participant confidentiality;
- When obtaining the names of potential participants from third parties, the investigator must consider whether this might constitute a breach of confidentiality;
- Investigators are responsible for ensuring that approved procedures are followed by any third parties (e.g., teachers, or social-service providers) who may be aiding in the recruitment and/or advertising process;
- Researchers may not share names of previous research participants with other researchers without permission from the participants and this would normally be obtained through the informed consent process;
- Researchers should carefully consider perceived, potential or actual conflict of interests and how these will be managed, particularly when, for example, recruiting students, colleagues or persons in their workplace.
- The recruitment strategy in the application form should provide all recruitment materials, and clearly describe the following:
- the criteria for the selection of potential participants;
- the approach to contacting potential participants (eg: email, advertisement, phone call) and how they will find out about the possibility of participating, or not, in the research, and your justification for that approach