The objectives of the Linkage Projects scheme are to:

  • support internationally competitive research projects and teams on challenges or opportunities of relevance to research end-users;
  • foster the establishment and strengthening of research alliances between higher education organisations and research end-users;
  • enhance the scale and focus of research, including in Australian Government priority areas.

Funding and Grant Duration


Project Funding

Between $50,000 and $300,000 per year

Project Duration

From two to five years

Assessment Criteria

Project Quality and Innovation – 30%
Impact – 20%
Investigator(s’) capability and quality of team – 20%
Strength of proposed research alliance – 30%

Key Dates for Linkage Projects

Draft Project Description and Budget due to the Research Grants Team: 27 October 2023

Request Not to Assess internal deadline: 27 November 2023

Request Not to Assess Closes to the ARC: 29 November 2023

Final Applications due to the Research Grants Team: 20 November 2023

Applications Close to the ARC: 13 December 2023

Rejoinders: 21 February to 6 March 2024

Anticipated Announcement: 14 June to 27 June 2024

Peer Review

Contact your Faculty ADR/Institute Director or Faculty/Institute Research Manager for advice on peer review programs.

ACU Library – Support for grant applications

ACU Library’s Impact Service can provide evidence of research performance which can be used in grant applications. They can also advise on Research Data Management Plans and Open Access requirements.

Researchers can request a consultation with a Senior Librarian by emailing the following:

Education and Arts –

Health Sciences –

Law and Business –

Theology and Philosophy –

ACU eResearch – Support for grant applications

The ACU eResearch team can assist with:

  • Development of research data management plans
  • Development of estimates for the IT components of grant applications
  • Calculation of inā€kind contributions based on Intersect services, such as high performance computing (HPC) and consultation/advice
  • Advice on research data storage
  • Advice on research computing platforms
  • Advice on research tools and applications

The eResearch team can be contacted via email

Documents and Resources


ARC Linkage Projects webpage

Linkage Projects factsheet (PDF, 254KB)

Linkage Projects Grant Guidelines 2023 edition (PDF, 560KB)

Instructions to Applicants (PDF, 1MB)

Sample Application Form (PDF, 293KB)

Linkage Program Draft Grant Agreement (PDF, 654KB)

Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 326KB)

Letter of Partner Organisation Certification - Proforma (PDF, 166KB)

RMS User Guide - Requesting and Maintaining an RMS User Account (PDF, 1.55MB) 

RMS User Guide – Submitting an Application in RMS (PDF, 1.98MB) 

RMS User Guide – Submitting a Request Not to Assess (PDF, 622KB)

Australian Government Science and Research Priorities

Medical Research Policy

Articulating National Interest in grant applications

ARC College of Experts


How to Submit a Project Registration Online Form (PROF) in Orion (PDF, 927KB)

Pre-Award Salaries Calculator (XLSX, 319KB)

Calculating Travel Expenses – ACU Rates

ACU Academic Staff and Professional Staff salaries 


As part of the ARC assessment process the assessment comments provided by external assessors are made available to applicants prior to the final assessments being conducted by the Selection Advisory Committee. The rejoinder process then allows applicants to respond to assessment comments made by external assessors.

ARC Rejoinder information

Instructions for accessing assessments and submitting your rejoinder text in RMS (PDF, 610KB)

Page last updated on 13/09/2023

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