Join us for ACU Mission Week, which will be held from 5 August to 9 August, across our campuses.

The theme of Mission Week is ‘we are ACU’, which recognises that our collective mission makes ACU what it is.

There are a range of events and activities for staff and students taking place throughout Mission Week. Take a look at the event schedule for your campus below.

Date Details Time, location and registration details

Monday 5 August

National ACU Community Engagement Showcase

Please join us and our partners for ACU's Community Engagement Showcase focusing on community impact through community-engaged learning, community-engaged projects and programs, and community-engaged research.


Register to attend this national online event

Attend the in person watch party: Torney Room, Carn Brea, BAL.100.G.17

Monday 5 August - Friday 9 August

Mission Awareness Stations

Come check out our 'mission awareness' stations and learn more about how ACU's mission comes to life on the Ballarat Campus.

All week long at the Forbes Building, the Library, Pell Centre and Catherine of Siena


7 August

Mission Week Mass

Join us for the Holy Mass celebrated on campus, as we pray for ACU and our mission in the world, followed by our main event with a guest speaker and free lunch provided by Student Life.

11am in the Chapel


7 August

Mission Week Festival Day

Festival Day is an opportunity to gather the whole community together to celebrate our mission. Live music, giveaways, inspiring speakers, and free food are all on offer.

11:30am - 2pm

Forbes Student Centre


7 August

Mind, Body, Spirit Event

This Mission Week we invite staff and students to consider the 'wholeness' of the human person. This event offers a moment of reconnection, between the mental, physical, and spiritual, as we rotate through a series of activities while asking the bigger questions of life. We will move from physical exercise and team building to a time of guided meditation in the chapel, displaying the various elements integral to the wellbeing and dignity of the human person. Come along to be strengthened, built-up and refreshed.


The Track

Thursday 8 August

Campus Ministry Random Acts of Kindness Day

Writer and peace activist Anne Herbert coined the phrase "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" in 1982 when she wrote it on a restaurant serviette in San Francisco. Just over ten years later Professor Chuck Wall of Bakersfield College, California, challenged his students to perform a "random act of senseless kindness" after hearing a radio report describing "another random act of senseless violence."

Be surprised by your response to the kindness challenges and consider getting involved as an RAK Day ambassador to activate this day with the Campus Ministry and People and Capability Teams. You can help make ACU a place where random acts of kindness are happening every day.

All day. Everywhere.

Friday 9 August

"Climate Change, Pope Francis, and Our Future"

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si' (The Letter), an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. This documentary is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it's taking on nature and people. We will watch a portion of the documentary together online and then open for questions and dialogue with our expert panel members.

12pm - 1pm

Register to attend this national online event.

Attend the in person watch party: The Track, Forbes Student Centre

Date Details Time, location and registration details

Monday 5 August

National ACU Community Engagement Showcase

Please join us and our partners for ACU's Community Engagement Showcase focusing on community impact through community-engaged learning, community-engaged projects and programs, and community-engaged research.

12:30pm - 1:40pm

Register to attend this national online event.

Tuesday 6 August

Mission Week Festival Day

With things to do and so much to learn, join us and engage with the different departments as they offer activations in the Track revolving all around ACU's mission - We are ACU! With a Mission Week message, a time for reflection, mission stations to engage with, free lunch for staff and students, Holy Mass celebrated on campus, there will be much to look forward to.


Foyer, Ground Floor

Tuesday 6 August

Blacktown Staff Ministry x Blacktown Library - Wisdom: A Blacktown Staff gathering

What does mission mean to you? What does your work mean to you? Come together to soak, share, and celebrate our collective wisdom, and wisdom very ancient, yet new. Drinks provided.

2pm - 3pm

Library, Level 4 (910.4.14)


9 August

"Climate Change, Pope Francis, and Our Future"

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si' (The Letter), an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. This documentary is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it's taking on nature and people. We will watch a portion of the documentary together online and then open for questions and dialogue with our expert panel members.


Register for this national online event.

Date Details Time, location and registration details

Monday 5 August

National ACU Online Engagement Showcase

Please join us and our partners for ACU's Community Engagement Showcase focusing on community impact through community-engaged learning, community-engaged projects and programs, and community-engaged research.

12:30pm - 1:40pm

Register to attend this national online event.

Monday 5 August

Campus Ministry Random Acts of Kindness Day

Writer and peace activist Anne Herbert coined the phrase "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" in 1982 when she wrote it on a restaurant serviette in San Francisco. Just over ten years later Professor Chuck Wall of Bakersfield College, California, challenged his students to perform a "random act of senseless kindness" after hearing a radio report describing "another random act of senseless violence".

Be surprised by your response to the kindness challenges and consider getting involved as an RAK Day ambassador to activate this day with the Campus Ministry and People and Capability Teams. You can help make ACU a place where random acts of kindness are happening every day.

10am - 2pm

Community Courtyard

All day in the Campus Ministry Lounge

Tuesday 6 August

'The Saint John's Bible: From Inspiration to Illumination' event

Come explore this work of art that unites ancient Benedictine tradition with the vision of today. Immerse yourself in its beauty as we showcase the limited heritage edition of The Saint John's Bible. This event will feature a brief introduction by the director of the Saint John's Bible, followed by guided imagery discussions to ignite the spiritual imagination of people of all faith journeys.

9:30am - 11am

Library Foyer (Building 204)

Wednesday 7 August

Mission Week Festival Day

Festival Day is an opportunity to gather the whole community together to celebrate our mission. Live music, giveaways, inspiring speakers, and free food are all on offer.

11am - 2pm

Community Courtyard

Wednesday 7 August

Welcome to Country & Dance Circle

To kick off our Mission Week Festival Day, join us in the community courtyard at 11:30am for an official Welcome to Country and dance circle provided by the First People's Directorate.

11:30am - 12pm

Community Courtyard

Thursday 8 August

Mary MacKillop Morning Tea

Come along to this free and delicious morning tea provided by Campus Ministry and learn more about the inspiring life of Mary MacKillop. Join us in celebrating her as ACU's Patron Saint.

10am - 11am

Community Courtyard near the Chapel

Thursday 8 August

Mary MacKillop Mass

12pm - 12:30pm

Chapel of the Holy Spirit

Thursday 8 August

Share the Dignity bag packing

Experience mission in your workday with Community Engagement Time Release. Come and join in this collaborative event between Campus Ministry and the clubs and societies of McAuley at Banyo Campus to pack bags for Share the Dignity, a charity that works to make a difference in the lives of women doing it tough.

11am - 2pm

Foyer of the John Paul II Building

Friday 9 August

"Climate Change, Pope Francis, and Our Future"

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si' (The Letter), an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. This documentary is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it's taking on nature and people. We will watch a portion of the documentary together online and then open for questions and dialogue with our expert panel members.

12pm - 1pm

Register to attend this national online event.

Date Details Time, location and registration details

Monday 5 August

National ACU Community Engagement Showcase

Please join us and our partners for ACU's Community Engagement Showcase focusing on community impact through community-engaged learning, community-engaged projects and programs, and community-engaged research.


Register to attend this national online event

Tuesday 6 August

Mission Week Launch Event

Let's gather as a community to kick off our Mission Week. Learn more about how ACU's mission comes to life on the Canberra Campus and our theme "We are ACU" over a shared morning tea.

10am - 10:30am

Veritas Mezzanine (Level 1)

Tuesday 6 August

Campus Ministry Random Acts of Kindness Day

Writer and peace activist Anne Herbert coined the phrase "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" in 1982 when she wrote it on a restaurant serviette in San Francisco. Just over ten years later Professor Chuck Wall of Bakersfield College, California, challenged his students to perform a "random act of senseless kindness" after hearing a radio report describing "another random act of senseless violence."

Be surprised by your response to the kindness challenges and consider getting involved as an RAK Day ambassador to activate this day with the Campus Ministry and People and Capability Teams. You can help make ACU a place where random acts of kindness are happening every day.

10.30am - 12pm: Veritas Courtyard, Building 301

All day: Campus Ministry Lounge 302.G.06

Wednesday 7 August

Mission Week Festival Day

Festival Day is an opportunity to gather the whole community together to celebrate our mission. Live music, giveaways, inspiring speakers, and free food are all on offer.

11.30am - 1.30pm

Blackfriars Fountain Garden 300.G.40

Wednesday 7 August

Mission Week Mass

Join us for Holy Mass celebrated on Campus, as we pray for ACU and our mission in the world.

12pm - 12.30pm

Signadou Chapel, Building 302

Thursday 8 August

"The Saint John's Bible: From Inspiration to Illumination" Event

Come explore this work of art that unites ancient Benedictine tradition with the vision of today. Immerse yourself in its beauty as we showcase the limited heritage edition of The Saint John's Bible. This event will feature a brief introduction by the Director of the Saint John's Bible, followed by guided imagery discussions to ignite the spiritual imagination of people of all faith journeys.

4pm - 5pm

Campus Ministry Lounge, 302.G.06

Friday 9 August

"Climate Change, Pope Francis, and Our Future"

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si' (The Letter), an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. This documentary is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it's taking on nature and people. We will watch a portion of the documentary together online and then open for questions and dialogue with our expert panel members.

12pm - 1pm

Register for this national online event

Date Details Time, location and registration details

Monday 5 August

National ACU Community Engagement Showcase

Please join us and our partners for ACU's Community Engagement Showcase focusing on community impact through community-engaged learning, community-engaged projects and programs, and community-engaged research.

12:30pm - 1:40pm

Register to attend this national online event.

Monday 5 August

Campus Ministry Random Acts of Kindness Day

Writer and peace activist Anne Herbert coined the phrase "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" in 1982 when she wrote it on a restaurant serviette in San Francisco. Just over ten years later Professor Chuck Wall of Bakersfield College, California, challenged his students to perform a "random act of senseless kindness" after hearing a radio report describing "another random act of senseless violence."

Be surprised by your response to the kindness challenges and consider getting involved as an RAK Day ambassador to activate this day with the Campus Ministry and People and Capability Teams. You can make ACU a place where random acts of kindness are happening every day.

All Day. Everywhere.

Tuesday 6 August

"Old Books from the New World: Unlocking ACU's Missionary Collection"

In celebration of our recent acquisition, 'The Missionary Collection,' the Libraries and Campus Ministry are collaborating to spotlight this collection that sits within the Nolan Historical Children's Literature Collection. Join us for a tour of the collection, a musical performance and a series of short talks that will reflect on both Missionary work and children's literature, drawing both back to ACU's own living of Mission. With talks from John and Grace Nolan, Dr Rachel Stevens, and Dr Matthew Zbaracki.

12:30pm - 2pm

Library, Ground Floor, Mary Glowrey Building (420)

Wednesday 7 August

Mission Week Festival Day

Festival Day is an opportunity to gather the whole community together to celebrate our mission. Live music, giveaways, inspiring speakers, and free food are all on offer.

12pm - 2pm

Mary Glowrey South Café

Thursday 8 August

First Peoples Coffee and a Yarn - "Sustaining Our Health and Wellbeing"

This event will include the Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea alongside an informal dialogue about health, wellbeing, and resilience.

10am - 11am

Ground Floor, Mary Glowrey Building (South Café)

Thursday 8 August

Mind, Body, Spirit Event

This Mission Week we invite staff and students to consider the 'wholeness' of the human person. This event offers a moment of reconnection, between the mental, physical, and spiritual as we rotate through a series of activities while asking the bigger questions of life. We will move from physical exercise and team building to a time of guided meditation in the chapel, displaying the various elements integral to the wellbeing and dignity of the human person. Come along to be strengthened, built-up and refreshed.

1pm - 2pm

The Track & Chapel

Thursday 8 August

The Mary MacKillop Cocktail Hour

Let's celebrate St Mary of the Cross on her feast day with a specially designed cocktail honouring our beloved patron.

4pm - 5pm

Staff Hub (Level 7, St Teresa Building)

Friday 9 August

"Climate Change, Pope Francis, and Our Future"

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si' (The Letter), an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. This documentary is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it's taking on nature and people. We will watch a portion of the documentary together online and then open for questions and dialogue with our expert panel members.

12pm - 1pm

Register for this national online event.

Date Details Time, location and registration details

Monday 5 August

National ACU Community Engagement Showcase

Please join us and our partners for ACU's Community Engagement Showcase focusing on community impact through community-engaged learning, community-engaged projects and programs, and community-engaged research.

12:30pm - 1:40pm

Register to attend this national online event.

Monday 5 August

Campus Ministry Random Acts of Kindness Day

Writer and peace activist Anne Herbert coined the phrase "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" in 1982 when she wrote it on a restaurant serviette in San Francisco. Just over ten years later Professor Chuck Wall of Bakersfield College, California, challenged his students to perform a "random act of senseless kindness" after hearing a radio report describing "another random act of senseless violence."

Be surprised by your response to the kindness challenges and consider getting involved as an RAK Day ambassador to activate this day with the Campus Ministry and People and Capability Teams. You can help make ACU a place where random acts of kindness are happening every day.

10am - 12pm: On the quad

All day: staff offices

Monday 5 August- Friday 9 August

Library Treasure Hunt

Find some hidden treasures, treats and new knowledge this week, as the library display their mission at ACU and what they do best!

All week in the Library (Building 606)

Tuesday 6 August

McGuire Lecture: "What sort of priest is needed in the emerging Australian Catholic Church?"

The lecture will be given by Reverend Dr John Hill, with ACU theologian Associate Professor Maeve Heaney to give the response.

5:30pm - 7:30pm

Gleeson Auditorium (Building 612)

Wednesday 7 August

Mission Week Mass

Join us for the Holy Mass celebrated on campus, as we pray for ACU and our mission in the world, followed by our main event with guest speaker and morning tea!

10:30am - 11am

The Chapel

Wednesday 7 August

Mission Week Festival Day

Festival Day is an opportunity to gather the whole community together to celebrate our mission. Live music, giveaways, inspiring speakers, and free food are all on offer.

11am - 2pm

The Quad

Wednesday 7 August

First Peoples 'Heart of Country' event

Join us in the Rice Theatre Hall, for a morning tea and broadcast of a short documentary, 'Heart of Country' followed by a Q&A with the First Peoples Directorate.

12:30pm - 1:30pm

St Edmund Building (613.1.01)

Wednesday 7 August

Strathfield Staff Gathering: Art, Wonder, Illuminate

Join us in the library for wine, cheese, and an enlightenment on the art of medieval illuminated manuscripts. With an opportunity to view our heritage edition of the St John's Bible, and a reflective presentation, this delightful night will leave you with something to chew on.


The Library (Building 606)

Thursday 8 August

Open Chapel Day

Step into the heart of ACU campuses and visit the place all graces flow from.

9am - 5pm

The Chapel

Friday 9 August

"Climate Change, Pope Francis, and Our Future"

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si' (The Letter), an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. This documentary is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it's taking on nature and people. We will watch a portion of the documentary together online and then open for questions and dialogue with our expert panel members.


Register for this national online event.

Date Details Time, location and registration details

Monday 5 August

National ACU Community Engagement Showcase

Please join us and our partners for ACU's Community Engagement Showcase focusing on community impact through community-engaged learning, community-engaged projects and programs, and community-engaged research.

12:30pm - 1:40pm

Register to attend the online event.

Monday 5 August

Tenison Woods House Coffee Cart

Free coffee (or gold coin donation for charity)

9:30am - 11am

Tenison Woods House Foyer

Monday 5 August

Liturgy to Launch Mission Week

Let's gather as a community to officially launch our Mission Week together.


Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel (Building 501)

Tuesday 6 August

"The Saint John's Bible: From Inspiration to Illumination" Event

Come explore this work of art that unites ancient Benedictine tradition with the vision of today. Immerse yourself in its beauty as we showcase the limited heritage edition of The Saint John's Bible. This event will feature a brief introduction by the Director of the Saint John's Bible, followed by guided imagery discussions to ignite the spiritual imagination of people of all faith journeys.

9:30am - 11am

Library (James Carroll Building 502)

Tuesday 6 August

Campus Ministry Random Acts of Kindness Day

Writer and peace activist Anne Herbert coined the phrase "practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty" in 1982 when she wrote it on a restaurant serviette in San Francisco. Just over ten years later Professor Chuck Wall of Bakersfield College, California, challenged his students to perform a "random act of senseless kindness" after hearing a radio report describing "another random act of senseless violence."

Be surprised by your response to the kindness challenges and consider getting involved as an RAK Day ambassador to activate this day with the Campus Ministry and People and Capability Teams. You can make ACU a place where random acts of kindness are happening every day.

All Day. Everywhere.

Wednesday 7 August

Student Association - Burrito Bar

Come and join the student association for some delicious free burritos in the James Carroll Courtyard.

11am - 1pm

James Carroll Courtyard

Thursday 8 August

Mission Week Festival Day

Festival Day is an opportunity to gather the whole community together to celebrate our mission. Live music, giveaways, inspiring speakers, and free food are all on offer.

11am - 2pm

James Carroll Courtyard

Thursday 8 August

Mission in Action - Humans of ACU

This three-fold event marries a photography exhibition, a live panel discussion, and messages of inspiration - what does mission look like in action? What does it mean to live the mission?

Join us for an exhibition of original portraits by William Woon, discussion from ACU thought leaders on working at Australian Catholic University, and a keynote from Fr James Baxter, OP. Prepare to leave inspired!

3pm - 4.30pm

Peter Cosgrove Centre

Friday 9 August

"Climate Change, Pope Francis, and Our Future"

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si' (The Letter), an encyclical letter about the environmental crisis to every single person in the world. A few years later, four voices that have gone unheard in global conversations have been invited to an unprecedented dialogue with the Pope. This documentary is packed with powerfully moving personal stories alongside the latest information about the planetary crisis and the toll it's taking on nature and people. We will watch a portion of the documentary together online and then open for questions and dialogue with our expert panel members.

12pm - 1pm

Register for this national online event.

Page last updated on 19/07/2024

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