
  • ACU student views are collected and reported on for various purposes.
  • In addition to the SELT surveys which facilitate student feedback on learning and teaching in coursework units, the following types of surveys are currently conducted in ACU at specific times during the year.

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ProfEx surveys Other Surveys Conducting your own survey or research project

Surveys conducted at ACU

  • Professional Experience (ProfEx) surveys
  • Post placement feedback survey (PPF) survey
  • Teach for Australia (TFA) survey
  • Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) survey
  • Rome Campus Experience (RCE) survey
  • Residential Student Satisfaction (RSS) survey

Professional Experience (ProfEx) surveys

The ProfEx survey is a formal process at ACU that gives students the opportunity to provide feedback on their experiences of learning in a specific workplace or another form of placement. The ProfEx questionnaire is designed to reflect the unique learning that occurs at various stages when students are undertaking work integrated learning. Currently, the survey is open to selected units in the Faculties of Education and Arts and Health Sciences. Every unit evaluated using the ProfEx survey is excluded from the SELT survey.

ProfEx Survey Items:

ProfEx Promotional Flyers:

Other Surveys

Post Placement Feedback (PPF) survey

The PPF survey is a short survey designed for students undertaking work integrated learning through placements as part of their coursework units, and when the placements are completed at times outside the SELT survey periods for the specific units.

Teach for Australia (TFA) survey

The TFA survey facilitates feedback from TFA participants about both their experience in each unit as well as the program. The TFA program is offered by ACU through the Faculty of Education and Arts.

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) survey

The SSAF survey invites all current ACU students to identify the services and amenities on ACU campuses and other forms of support that are important to them. The information collected through this survey assists ACU in determining the best ways to use SSAF funding to support students. The survey results are reported to relevant staff in the Corporate Services Portfolio.

Rome Campus Experience (RCE) survey

The RCE survey purpose is to collect student feedback on specific aspects relating to their experience at the Rome campus (campus facilities and services, community engagement, etc.). The RCE survey results are reported to the Provost.

Residential Student Satisfaction (RSS) survey

The RSS survey invites students living in accommodation owned or managed by ACU to provide feedback on their experiences at the residences, including facilities, services, communal/ social activities and support. The survey results are reported to relevant staff in the Corporate Services Portfolio.

Conducting a student survey or research project

If you would like to conduct your own student survey or host interviews or focus groups you will need to seek approval from the Centre for Education and Innovation. The first step is to read the Survey, Interview & Focus Group Governance Framework. You will then need to complete the Application Form (linked in the Framework) and email it to CEI@acu.edu.au.

Page last updated on 04/09/2024

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