
There are a number of different transport options for getting to and from Ballarat Campus. Please see below for further details:

Aquinas Campus is one block away from public transport.

There are bus services Monday to Saturday throughout the Ballarat area including a bus that runs along Sturt Street. The nearest stop is at Talbot and Sturt Street, which is one block away from the campus.

Read more about the public transport network in Ballarat on the CDC website.

Regular daily train services and bus services are also available to Melbourne and most country centres.

Limited off-street parking is provided on campus via the Ripon Street entrance, in the car park. This marked clearly on the Campus Map. For more information see Parking on campus.

Street parking is also available in Mair Street subject to council parking restrictions.

Disabled parking is provide adjacent to the Chapel and in the Ripon Avenue staff car park area. Please contact Reception through Service Central on (07) 3623 7272 is you would like to discuss disabled parking options further.

Staff and sudents are encouraged to car pool whenever possible to reduce parking requirements.

Parking on any grassed area is not permitted.

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Page last updated on 16/09/2024

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