Once a report of an incident has been logged in riskware, injured or ill staff members should contact Human Resource's WHS staff regarding workers' compensation and the reimbursement of medical expenses and/or wages.

Learn more about riskware

Staff members are eligible to lodge a claim if an injury or illness was sustained while they were engaged in a work-related activity. Brisbane staff may also be eligible to submit a claim if they were injured while travelling to or from work, or during a break.

The claims process is different in each state.


To submit a workers' compensation claim, staff members should provide a Medical Certificate for Workers' Compensation Claims, issued by a Nominated Treating Doctor, and complete an Employee Claim Form (which is obtained from Human Resources WHS staff). This form should be submitted to a relevant WHS staff member.

Injured staff members should notify their Nominated Supervisor and Human Resources WHS staff about any restrictions (outlined on their Medical Certificate) that have placed on their capacity to work by their Nominated Treating Doctor. The staff member's work activities may need to be revised during the period of the injury and a Personal Injury Plan (Return to Work Plan) will be developed.

Prior to the claim being accepted, any expenses incurred for treatment or medication will be funded by the staff member. If the claim is accepted all eligible medical expenses and lost wages will be refunded and any ongoing, eligible expenses will be covered by the insurer. A Nominated Treating Doctor will also outline on the Medical Certificate for workers' compensation claims whether any treatment is required e.g. physiotherapy.

Throughout the claim a staff member from Human Resource's WHS staff will maintain contact with the injured staff member and their Nominated Supervisor to manage their recovery and return to work. A Rehabilitation Consultant may also be allocated to support the staff member while they are injured.

Find out how to make a claim

New South Wales

Injured staff should obtain a WorkCover NSW - certificate of capacity from their Nominated Treating Doctor and complete an Employee Claim Form (obtained from HR) to commence the claims process.

They should notify their Nominated Supervisor and Human Resource's WHS staff if their Nominated Treating Doctor places restrictions on their capacity to work (outlined on their certificate of capacity) as work duties may need to be revised during the injury. An Injury Management Plan and Return to Work Plan is often developed to support an injured staff member to recover from their injury.

Any eligible expenses incurred for treatment or medication will be funded by the staff member until the workers' compensation insurer has provisionally or fully accepted the claim. If the claim is accepted, all eligible expenses will be refunded and any ongoing expenses will be covered by the insurer. The injured staff member's Nominated Treating Doctor will provide details about their capacity for work and treatment requirements.

Human Resource's WHS staff will maintain contact with the staff member and their Nominated Supervisor to manage their recovery and return to work. A Rehabilitation Consultant may also provide the staff member with support, while they are injured.

Know what to do if you get injured at work

If you get injured at work NSW (PDF, 1.98 MB)

Rehabilitation and Return to Work Coordinator

The Return-to-Work Coordinator must be notified of any workplace injury or illness

Person responsible for recovery at work in our business

Name   Rebecca Gilmore 
 Phone  07 3623-7496
 Email  Rebecca.gilmore@acu.edu.au


Staff should obtain a Workers' Compensation Medical Certificate from their Treating Doctor and submit a claim via WorkCover Queensland. They should also contact Human Resource's WHS staff to discuss the claim.

The injured staff member should notify their Nominated Supervisor and HR if their Nominated Treating Doctor has placed some restrictions on the injured staff member's capacity to work as work activities may need to be revised.

Any expenses incurred for treatment/medication/lost wages will be funded by the staff member until the claim has been assessed. If the claim is accepted all eligible expenses will be refunded and any ongoing expenses will be covered by the insurer. The injured staff member's treating doctor will also outline on a Workers' Compensation Medical Certificate whether any treatment is required.

Throughout the duration of the claim a staff member from Human Resource's WHS staff will support the claimant and their Nominated Supervisor. A Rehabilitation Consultant may also be allocated to support the staff member to return to work.

Follow the steps if you're injured at work

If you are injured at work QLD (PDF, 101 KB)

South Australia

Staff should notify their Nominated Supervisor and Human Resources of their work injury within 24 hours. They should submit a Work Capacity Certificate, issued by their doctor, and complete a South Australian Recovery/Return to Work Claim Form (obtained from Human Resource's WHS staff or the Return to Work Australia website).

The Work Capacity Certificate will include recommendations about the frequency and types of treatment which may be required and should be provided to Human Resource's WHS staff and the workers' compensation insurer.

Ongoing Certificates of Capacity may be issued by the injured staff member's doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopath and the recommendations within the certificates will facilitate the development of a Recovery/Return to Work Plan.

Human Resources' WHS staff will maintain contact with the injured staff member and their Nominated Supervisor throughout the duration of the claim. A Rehabilitation Consultant may also be allocated to support the injured staff member and their return to work.

If you are injured at work SA (PDF, 1.16 MB)


Staff members should obtain an initial Certificate of Capacity from their Nominated Treating Doctor and submit an Employee Claim Form (which is obtained from Human Resource's WHS staff or the WorkSafe website).

An injured staff member should notify their Nominated Supervisor and HR if their Nominated Treating Doctor places restrictions on their work capacity (outlined on their Certificate of Capacity) as duties may need to be revised during the period of the injury.

Prior to the claim being assessed, any expenses incurred, up to the value of $707, should be paid for by the staff member who should send these receipts to Human Resource's WHS staff. If the claim is subsequently accepted all eligible expenses, to the value of $707, will be refunded by ACU and any ongoing expenses will be covered by the insurer.

Ongoing Certificates of Capacity may be issued by the injured staff member's Nominated Treating Doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopath and the recommendations within the certificates will facilitate the development of a Return to Work Plan.

Human Resources' WHS staff will maintain contact with the injured staff member and their Nominated Supervisor throughout the duration of the claim. A Rehabilitation Consultant may also be allocated to support the injured staff member and their return to work.

Read the procedure if you're injured at work

If you are injured at work VIC (PDF, 327 KB)

Western Australia

Notify your Nominated Supervisor if you are injured at work and obtain the First Certificate of Capacity from your Doctor.

To submit a claim, complete an Employee Workers Compensation Claim Form and visit Service Central (assign to HR) to upload the completed form and your First Certificate of capacity. You should also share these documents with your Nominated Supervisor. The WHS Unit will notify the Insurer (Catholic Church Insurance) of the details, within 5 days of being notified of a claim.

Please notify your Nominated Supervisor and the WHS Unit if your doctor indicates on your First or Progress Certificate of Capacity that you are fit to return to work with restrictions. If your doctor assesses that you have only partial capacity to return to work, the WHS Unit will consult with you about the development of a Recovery at Work Program/Return to Work Plan.

If your workers compensation claim is accepted, you are entitled to be compensated for loss of wages, reasonable medical and allied health treatment expenses, reasonable workplace rehabilitation expenses, and travel and other expenses.

WHS staff will maintain contact with the injured staff member and their nominated supervisor to manage their recover and return work. A Rehabilitation Consultant may also provide the staff member with support, while they are injured.

How to make a claim if you are injured at work

If you are injured at work WA (PDF, 116 KB)

Page last updated on 09/04/2024

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