Nominations for the 2024 Vice-Chancellor's Staff Excellence Awards open on 19 September 2024 and close on 13 October 2024.

The 2024 awards will be celebrated at a ceremony in November, where the winner of the Vice-Chancellor's Medal for Excellence, selected from the category winners, will also be announced.

Successful individual awards receive $500 and team awards receive $2,500 per team, with individual awards not exceeding $500. The Vice-Chancellor’s Medal for Excellence awards $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for a team.

Award categories

Staff are invited to submit nominations across the following eight categories:

  • Mission excellence – recognises and celebrates staff who have demonstrated excellence in expressing ACU’s mission and values through areas of service, the pursuit of knowledge, the dignity of the human person and contributions to the common good.
  • Holistic education – recognises and celebrates staff who have demonstrated excellence in holistic education by innovatively integrating academic excellence with ethical, spiritual and social development to nurture the whole person.
  • Collaborative engagement – recognises and celebrates staff who have demonstrated excellence in collaboration with higher education institutions and their larger communities for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity.
  • High-impact research – recognises and celebrates staff who have demonstrated excellence in developing innovative solutions to issues impacting human dignity and the common good through ethically informed research and enterprise activities.
  • Global collaboration – recognises and celebrates staff who have demonstrated excellence in enhancing ACU’s global collaboration to amplify our impact across education, research and engagement.
  • Research training – recognises and celebrates staff who have demonstrated excellence in supporting, guiding and enhancing the research and development of higher degree research students, thereby fostering a vibrant research culture.
  • Collaboration with Church and Church ministries – recognises and celebrates staff who have demonstrated excellence in forging successful partnerships with Catholic organisations with whom we share common objectives, creating alliances that amplify our collective impact and embody a united commitment to the mission of the Church.
  • Foundational excellence – recognises and celebrates staff who have demonstrated excellence in strengthening our institutional foundations, to facilitate the sustained success and growth of ACU. 

Please email with any questions about the nomination process.

Online nomination form

The VC Staff Excellence Awards are open to all academic and professional staff members, including full-time or fractional, fixed term, contract, sessional and casual staff, who have completed at least one year of service prior to the date of nomination. Contractors are not eligible.

The awards are open to individuals and teams. Teams may be within the same work area or across one or more organisational units (e.g., schools, faculties, directorates or portfolios).

An individual or team may be nominated by a staff member (nominator) for a VC Staff Excellence Award. Self-nominations, including for a team you are part of, are acceptable.

Team nominations would not normally exceed 10 members, unless exceptional circumstances apply. Please liaise with the Chief of Staff to discuss exceptional circumstances.

A nominee or recipient of a VC Staff Excellence Awards is only eligible for re-nomination in subsequent years on the basis that there were significant new achievements or developments to be considered.

Nominators must submit the online nomination form made available on the VC Staff Excellence Awards website, addressing the unique criteria for each category.

Award selection is based primarily on written statements addressing the selection criteria (detailed in subsequent sections). Therefore, the nominator must clearly demonstrate how the person or team they are nominating has shown significant and outstanding achievement, and a meaningful and lasting impact at ACU.

Additional materials supporting the claims may be included. However, please note that a maximum of two pages of supporting material will be considered, and the relevance of any such material must be made clear in the nomination application.

Subject to the quality of the nominations for a category, an award may not be made.

Page last updated on 27/07/2023

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