
  • ACU's four graduate attributes - insight, empathy, imagination, and impact - express our vision for our graduates.
  • Realisation of ACU's Mission in the curriculum through ACU's graduate attributes is expressed through the graduate statement and graduate capabilities.

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ACU's Graduate Attributes Graduate Statement Graduate Capabilities

ACU's Graduate Attributes

ACU's four graduate attributes - insight, empathy, imagination, and impact - express our vision for our graduates, shaping the aspirations we have for all students through their presence in the curriculum, and bringing ACU’s Mission to life.


Each graduate has become aware of their own characteristics as a professional, a citizen and a scholar; they are ready to change and grow and prepared for lifelong learning; their experience at ACU has supported them to seek truth and meaning.


Each graduate is encouraged to think creatively and critically to solve problems and see opportunities for innovation; they can discern and build a better future for each person and community.


Each graduate has had experience of Indigenous Knowledges and can respect and work alongside Australia’s First Peoples; they are able to connect with people and cultures, locally and globally; they can integrate knowledge across disciplines.


Each graduate recognises their responsibility to work for social justice and a sustainable world, guided by ethical principles and a commitment to human dignity and the common good; they are ready to respond to and lead changes in their sphere of influence and contribute to their professions and to the community.

We acknowledge that the artwork for the First Nations Icons was created exclusively for ACU by artist Riki Salam @ WeAre27Creative.
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the First Peoples, the Traditional Custodians of the lands and waterways where Australian Catholic University campuses are located, and we thank them for their continued custodianship.

Graduate attributes in the curriculum

ACU's Mission and the graduate attributes aim to develop students who seek the dignity of the human person and the common good. Realisation of ACU's Mission in the curriculum through ACU's graduate attributes is expressed through the graduate statement and graduate capabilities. Staff can consider the students' development through the perspectives provided by the graduate statement and graduate capabilities to reflect on how the Mission is presented through the curriculum.

ACU Graduate Statement

The ACU graduate statement describes a university level, holistic understanding of the ACU student on completion of their studies. It reflects the aspirational goals ACU has for each student through a consideration of each graduate attribute.

The ability to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and approaches appropriate to their field of study.
The ability to apply discipline-based knowledge and skills to their field of study or profession.
The ability to be a reflective, self-directed, and accountable learner.
The ability to collaborate respectfully and effectively with diverse peoples and groups in local and global contexts.
The ability to understand Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges, histories and experiences, and their impacts, and apply critical reflective practice to influence social change.
The ability to engage critically with social issues and work with community in ways that recognise the dignity of the human person and advance the common good.
The ability to critically analyse and evaluate one’s own ideas and those of others and to synthesise information to formulate clear and well-reasoned positions.
The ability to use critical thinking to address practical problems and support decision making.
The ability to locate and assess the authority and relevance of information from a range of sources, including scholarly, research-based evidence and the media, and reference them appropriately.
The ability to use a range of information communication technologies effectively in personal, academic, and professional contexts.
The ability to present information and ideas effectively in a variety of written genres to diverse audiences.
The ability to present information and ideas effectively in a variety of spoken genres to diverse audiences.

Course Graduate Statement

The course graduate statement provides a course-focused description that reflects the attributes students can expect on the completion of their studies. The graduate statement communicates to current and prospective students the aspirational goals ACU has for its graduates.
Read more about the Graduate Statements →

ACU Graduate Capabilities

Underpinning the course graduate statement are the twelve graduate capabilities which have been developed to evidence the capabilities and skills implicitly and explicitly embedded within ACU’s graduate attributes. Student achievement of the graduate capabilities evidences their capacity to demonstrate the aspirations of the ACU graduate attributes.
Read more about the twelve Graduate Capabilities → 

Page last updated on 19/07/2024

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